Spiritual Center - Christian Life in Today's World


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In this site, you will find information to help you on your spiritual journey. This is a Chiristian site and the resources are geared towards Chirstians who want to better understand their relationship with the Lord, Jesus Christ.

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Chirst has died. Chist is risen. Chirst will come again.

We apologize for the recent lack of updates but we are only now able to get to the server again.

Today we would like you to consider Just War

Is there such a thing as just war? Would the world situation today allow the US to attack Iraq under the just war theory? Lets consider what questions must be answered adequately to allow a military action to be considered a Just War. (Let me say that this is a compilation of =works by many others with the work by Thomas Aquinas at its core.)

Principles of the Just War
1) The action must be taken on a just cause
2) The action must be lead by a competent authority
3) The action must be made for the right intention

The easiest just cause to identify is self-defense. If a foreign power attacks our nation the defense is a just cause to retake land, people or property seized by an aggressor. The rule of helping your neighbor will allow nations to come to the aid of other nations as well if asked by properly constituted authorities.

Then what is a proper authority? The actions must be made under lawful authority of the nation involved. Lawful authority is somewhat nebulous in some cases but when the law of the nation and international law agree it is easy to recognize clear authority. In this case the President of the US and congress have the clearly identified legal authority. While the US Supreme Court, while a legal authority, would be making an illegal act if they declared war. In cases of countries with disputed leadership this becomes even more difficult to identify.

Perhaps the most difficult of the principles to conform to is right intention. Nations are not to use undue force or cause undue suffering on an enemy. The intention should not be vengeance or hatred but instead the goal of war is to end war. To create a just and lasting peace. Also war can only be waged if there is a chance for success. Killing with no hope of winning is not a just cause.

Many resources exist to pursue this topic and we would encourage you to think more on it. Why is the US considering attacking Iraq? Is it self-defense? Is it a just cause? Has the current administration the proper authority to make this attack? What is the true intent of the administrion in making this attack?

The ELCA statement on Just War in attacking Iraq

Just War Teaching and the Present Conflict by Paul Jersild int eh Journal of Lutheran Ethics

Institute on Religion and Democracy

The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Just War article

Thomas Aquinas on War

The UDS symposium on Just War

Who We Are

We are a volunteer staff working in our spare time to bring this message of faith to you. We aim to do this through message, the word and the offering of additional resources


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